What service is best suited for me given my hair density, colour, pain threshold and budget?
What methods of payment do you accept?
How do I prepare for my upcoming appointment?
When should I book my next appiontment?
Can I book a same day, last minute appointment?
What is the best way to contact MAIR Care Inc.?
What service is best suited for me given my hair density, colour, pain threshold and budget?
How long does my hair have to be before receiving a wax service?
Will waxing make the hair grow back thicker?
I'm concerned about some medication that I'm taking or health issues that might affect my ability to get waxed. what should I do?
When is the best time to be waxed again?
What kinds of reactions will I get after waxing and how do I treat them?
Is it true you are sometimes put into obscure positions that are like yoga poses?
I'm worried about smelling. Should I shower immediately before a wax treatement?
What areas do you perform wax treatments most often?
What service is best suited for me given my hair density, colour, pain threshold and budget?
What laser equipment does MAIR Care Inc. use?
Do you offer discounts?
What kind of equipment do you use?
Does your SharpLight equipment perform any other laser treatments?
Is laser hair removal painful?
How does laser treatment work?
How do I prepare for my laser treatment appointment?
How long should I book between sessions?
How many sessions will I need?
How long will the laser treatment take?
Are there any side effects?
What areas can be treated with laser?
Will there be any risk in performing brozilians?
Can I still get laser hair removal if I am pregnant/breastfeeding?
Will laser treatment work on blonde, grey or white hair?
Can I get laser treatment over my tattoos?
What aftercare procedures are required?
Is laser treatment permanent?
What service is best suited for me given my hair density, colour, pain threshold and budget?
What causes unwanted hair?
What are the three methods most commonly used in electrolysis?
Is electrolysis safe?
How do I know if the electrolysis treatment is being performed properly?
Does electrolysis hurt?
Will there be any permanent damage to my skin?
Can hairs be removed from a mole?
What is hair seems to return while I'm being treated?
Are treatments available for Transgender clients?
What is Moluscum Pendulum (Skin Tag)?
How does Thermocoagulation work?
What is Thermocoagulation?