Understanding the Types of Erections
- Circulatory (Reflexogenic) Erection: This type of erection occurs because of physical contact and is triggered by the autonomic nervous system, leading to increased blood flow to the penis. It’s a purely physiological response and can happen automatically due to relaxation or touch.
- Psychogenic Erection: This type starts in the brain due to sexual thoughts or stimuli like sights or sounds. It also results in increased blood flow to the penis but is initiated by psychological factors.
Strategies for Handling Erections
- remember that erections can happen automatically from relaxation, touch or even angst and is a normal physical reaction
- because the antidote to a parasympathetic response is activation of the sympathetic nervous system, asking the esthetician to change the technique being used can quell a spontaneous erection
- avoid focusing on it and worrying and understand that this happens to many male and trans clients despite their sexual orientation so there's no need to be embarrassed
- discuss this with your esthetician if you're unsure about what to do or if you feel it may impact their abilities to complete the service
- if you feel necessary, take a break, get a drink of water, go to the bathroom and walk it out if that will put you back at ease. Your esthetician will fully understand your need to pause
- in some instances, some clients find themselves leaking bodily fluids uncontrollably but again, this is nothing new and your esthetician will be quite apt to handle the situation
- some clients find relieving themselves at home prior to arriving to their appointment necessary in order to avoid these types of situations
- if you are too uncomfortable proceeding with the service, you should communicate openly and request to discontinue the service and perhaps try another day.

Just remember that your esthetician has gone through this messy situation many times before and is not jaded, embarrassed or uncomfortable; however, these are definitely attributes of a client, especially new but while these are natural reactions to a parasympathetic reaction, they are unwarranted and your ethician will know how best to handle it.
In most cases this won't even some pop up since the services can be quite painful and uncomfortable so there might not even be a moment where you will think of anything but how uncomfortable you are. Often times worrying if it'll happen in itself leads the situation to happening, so focus on getting through the service and if needed, consider the strategies mentioned above and you'll get through the service happily unscathed.
When a client has performed the service more than once, these hard times tend to cease to exist and you can focus again on the challenging service at hand or the painful singing of your esthetician.